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        Contact us

        Add of head office: Dongdai Wharf, Zhang’An Street, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China
        Sales Tel: +86-576-88786686/89020081
        Purchase Dept.: +86-576-88786567/88781912
        Personnel Dept.: +86-576-88786543
        Fax: +86-576-88786538

        Career Development

        Jiangbei Pharmaceutical strives to build a learning organization, focusing on the learning, training and training of employees, actively building a platform for training employees, providing a hybrid training system, focusing on improving staff's professional knowledge, skills skills, general ability, leadership and so on. Level, and continuously improve the company and all aspects of the quality of staff for the organization's strategy to achieve the sustainable development of the organization to provide high-quality human protection.
        Jiangbei pharmaceutical employees in accordance with the individual's career interests and expertise to choose administrative promotion and professional development of two development paths.
        In addition, in order to ensure that employees in the Jiangbei medicine to get more room for development, the company also introduced the key positions of the key staff rotation system, grass-roots level and even the middle management positions competitive system, to encourage employees to compete by showing themselves, Of the work capacity.
        Companies pay attention to fostering the development of enterprise culture, such as "Reading Month", "Speech Contest", "Games, Football League" and other forms of activities, advocacy up and sincere communication and exchange.

