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        Contact us

        Add of head office: Dongdai Wharf, Zhang’An Street, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China
        Sales Tel: +86-576-88786686/89020081
        Purchase Dept.: +86-576-88786567/88781912
        Personnel Dept.: +86-576-88786543
        Fax: +86-576-88786538

        CSR policy

        Jiangbei Pharmaceutical firmly believes that enterprises not only to create economic value, but also to create social values ??and environmental values, Jiangbei has the obligation to have the responsibility to seriously fulfill the social responsibility policy. With the guideline of "Social Responsibility of Chinese SMEs", the Company formulated the "Social Responsibility Management System", comprehensively implemented the corporate social responsibility management system, and solemnly promised to all sectors of the society:
        Responsibility to the State: Jiangbei is responsible for safe production, provision and promotion of employment, protection of people's livelihood and national harmony.
        Responsibility to society: Jiangbei improve resource utilization, promote green manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing and bio-manufacturing, the implementation of supply-side reform, promote standardized and sustainable industrial order and social value.
        Responsibility for the Environment: Jiangbei protects the environment and reduces the negative impact on the environment in all aspects of R & D, production and sales, and realizes the upgrading and green development of enterprises.
        Responsibility for employees: Jiangbei protect the rights and interests of every employee, equal opportunities and dignity, to achieve decent work of employees, the staff of the family management, attention to employee growth and development.
        Responsibility to consumers: Jiangbei is committed to providing high-quality, inexpensive and safe drugs, improve the quality of consumer health, to provide consumers with good pre-sale, sales, after-sales service.
        Responsibility to shareholders: earnestly perform the powers conferred by the shareholders, to create wealth for the enterprise, to create revenue for shareholders.
        The responsibility of partners: work together to achieve a win-win situation.
